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By Gyula Kosice

Alejandro Dron, a VISUAL artist who joins the bright call of the third milenium to set free the whole potency of imagination, places himself in the difficult territories of creation and originality, in that risky district of anticipations, the new and what is out of time.
Although his artworks contain that madi style I talk about in my Manifest and in the foundation of Madi Movement in 1946, they are caracterized by their depurated constructions, sculptures, reliefs, irregular frame and co-plane paintings, and their graphisms are based on the letters of the Hebrew alphabet deciphered by its own rhythm, without representation or justification. These presences give him a particular specificity and become part of his PERSONALITY that is already outstanding in the contemporary art realm.I think of the Madi heroic avangarde, in Royi of 1944, in Rothfuss, creator of the shaped canvas, in the neon gas of 1946, in Bay, Eitler, Steiner, Darie, Llorens, Grete Stern, lonesco, Biedma, Uricchio, Faedo, Laan, Bresler, Tanaka, Scopellitti, Linenberg, Sabelli, Stimm, Herrera, Kasak, Koellreutter, Guti6rrez, Gyori and dozens madi artists of all fields spread all over the world. New epigones have joined the initial nucleos but helas! whithout even mentioning neither its valuable contributions nor its true historical sources.
However Dron’s intense trayectory is supported by his TRIPS TO EUROPE and some Latinoamerican countries, and several years of residence in U.S.A., his many one-person and group exhibitions, his awards to the merit of the quality of his works and his implacable artistic vocation in addition to his drilling dynamic of thought. As a member of the TEVAT group, he uses the computer and multimedia to create digital and highly entropic works that include shapes and colors where animation and the cinetic converge in a conception of the world which is asserted by the teachings of the Cabala.
His works, of great depriving and simplicity, are charged with a deep intuition which emerges, cracking, from its intimate energetic source to an unsuspected prospecting.I am convinced that the way chosen by Alejandro will take him to original explorations, to that renowned “porvenirista” (of the future) philosofy, esencially changeable and mobile where the presence of Shin,Vavatem,Sitre Yod,Ruaj and others are. These form a galaxy of contained emotionality and humanized social relations, where the aesthetics cannot be isolated from the ethics and solidarity.
He has recently been awarded a SCHOLARSHIP by the Fulbright Comission and the National Fund for the Arts to improve his knowledge of high technology in U.S.A. in 1996.
Alejandro Dron, an Argentinian artist with an universalist vision and accurate answers for the
2 1 st century.

Buenos Aires, Argentina.


By Gyula Kosice
En los dificiles territorios de la creacion y la originalidad, en esa riesgosa comarca de las anticipaciones, de lo inedito y extemporaneo, se ubica Alejandro Dron, un plastico que se suma a la luminosa convocatoria del tercer milenio para liberar todas las potencies de la imaginacion.
Sus obras si bien contienen ese estilo madi del que hablo en mi Manifiesto y en la fundacion del Movimiento Madi en 1946, se caracterizan por sus depuradas construcciones, sus esculturas, relieves, pinturas de contornos irregulares y coplanarias, y sus grafismos en base a letras del alfabeto hebraico descifrados por su propio ritmo, sin representacion ni justificacion. Esas pre-
sencias le otorgan una especificidad particular y se vertebran a su personalidad ya relevante de la plastica contempor6nea.
Pienso en la vanguardia heroica de Madi, en Rbyi de 1944, en Rothfuss, inventor del marco recortado, en el gas neon de 1946, en Bay, Eitler, Steiner, Darie, LLorens, Grete Stern, lonesco, Biedma, Uricchio, Faedo, Laan, Bresler, Tanaka, Scopellitti, Linenberg, Sabelli, Stimm,
Herrera, Kasak, Koellreutter, Gutierrez, Gyori y docenas de artistas madi de todas las disciplinas diseminadas por el mundo. Nuevos epigonos se agregaron al nucleo inicial pero helas! sin siquiera mencionar sus valiosos aportes ni sus verdaderas fuentes historicas.
Pero la intensa trayectoria de Dron avalada por sus viajes a Europa y algunos paises Latinoamericanos,y varios anos de residencia en Norteamerica, sus innumerables exposiciones personales y colectivas, sus premios al merito por la calidad de sus trabajos y su implacable vocacion artistica,se aunan a una taladrante dinamica del pensamiento. Integrante del grupo TEVAT, ya en posesion de la COMPUTADORA y los multimedia, sus recientes obras digitales de alta entropia, se desarrollan en formas y colores donde la animacibn y lo cinetico convergen en una cosmovision, sustentadas por las ensenanzas de la Cabala.
Sus obras, de gran despojo y simplicidad, estan cargadas de una profunda intuicion que emergen restallantes desde su intima fuente energetica hasta una prospeccion insospechada. Estoy convencido que el camino elegido por Alejandro lo Ilevara a exploraciones ineditas, a esa mentada filosofia porvenirista, esencialmente transformable y movil donde la presencia de su obra sera,a no dudarlo, un factor determinante donde las utopias seran una realidad, como lo son sus trabajos Shin, Vavatem, Sitre, Yod, Ruaj y tantos otros que conforman una galaxia de contenida emotividad y de relaciones societarias humanizadas, donde la estetica es inseparable de la etica y la solidaridad.
Recientemente ha sido becado por la Comision Fulbright y el Fondo Nacional de las Artes para perfeccionarse en alta tecnologia, por lo cual viajara a U.S.A. a mediados de 1996. Un artista argentino con vision universalista y con respuestas certeras para el siglo XXI.

Gyula Kosice
1995 BsAs. Argentina.

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