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Kosice, Vigente Avisor


Kosice conquers his time without justifications. His earned waters, just like this, with no specific reason, create a heroic hydrogen at high speed. His transparent half spheres that shape his moving waters correct and set the air to music with all its colors. Clear containers and waters: that’s the secret. Receive in order to give. Orquestration that presents what was previously presented even more unquestionable, indisputable. An idea of traveling, nomadism, high independence.

First Kosice creates a Madi instruction manual to learn how to practice rigorously the essential in a liberating way. It is done also to purify the artistic practice in a unified space time. Rules for a kosher art that aim not to cause suffering, they attempt to get rid of melancholy. Senti-mental action. Supra-political art: art about the future (porvenirista).

His intervention is a humanizing experiential synthesis. His liberating laughter takes us to places, doesn't it?, unique and universal.

Early on Kosice went through the waters. He invented and created. He became the one on the other side of the river. Changed already, he stated:’ man is not going to finish his life on the Earth.’ Being from here and there at the same time.Earth and  hydrospatial city to come. The continuum of the waters and its shores.

Which is the Earth where Kosice lives? That of this time. As an independent warrior he shows us how to fight for a personal and universal ideal: conquer our own time traveling from the future to the present. He makes time sacred. Opposite to the Duchamp-like masses who make the museum sacred. His art is alive and healthy, it walks in the street and doesn’t need professional curators. It only needs desire to continue doing it with thirst for the infinite. Like Mr. Juan Jacobo Bajarlia said: ‘Kosice's art is one in which reality is invented above all the known realities’.

I wonder: is he going to remain outside of the promised land after all his contributions? Maybe this is what is desired so that his hydraulic verb gets protected and thus doesn’t turn into still icy face. Anyways, Kosice always comes back soaked.

For thousands of years diverse spiritual movements have known that there is plenty of energy and that the problem lies in that we are unable to sense it and to fully benefit from it. Current science has known this for decades. And finally we are heading to the use of renewable energies. All is indicating that our new relationship with water and its valued hydrogen will create the conditions for a better world. Kosice created this liberating element which will allow us ‘to not finish on the Earth’ in a material and spiritual sense. We will have more time to feel the ‘universe beat’ like he imagined.

In a few decades the union between biology and machine will change life on Earth and in the cosmos. We will overcome many sufferings, we will expand the time limitations for all the living beings. An unforeseen world in which we will need a place to turn into new and happier happenings. Kosice imagined these ‘places to live’ where the impossible to imagine can happen through the personal and collective joy. But I also wonder what heartbreaking ethical conflicts we will pose to ourselves with this already exponential Golem’s thirst? Who are the new Frankensteins we will be creating without knowing it?

Kosice invites us not to waste time in the darkness. Instead, he wants to advance strong at the speed of light towards the unknown inventing each step with strict illuminating rules. His work like an intelligent star warns, expands and dissolves the melancholic redundancy. To sum it up it points out a time-now where we turn one with the incomparable, with the undetermined.

Where are you? Kosice asks me with his art.

Where are we? He must question all of us.

Today Kosice, valid informer, wants to know where we are in relationship to the whole.

He brings us face to face and asks us:  What do you want? And what do we all want as humanity? Which is your/our vision? His pregnant blue circles look at us with overwhelming objectivity. What do I answer myself and him?

An essential art, one of pure energetic vibration where the parts are indispensable to the whole. Absolute collective laughter of cosmic gauchada (favor)!


Por Alejandro Dron      

July 2,  2010   

New York, US

Kosice, Vigente Avisor


Asi porque si. Kosice conquista su tiempo sin justificaciones. Sus aguas ganadas acunan a alta velocidad un hidrogeno heroico. Sus medias esferas transparentes que arquitecturan sus aguas en movimiento corrigen y musicalizan el aire con todos sus colores. Recipientes traslucidos y aguas: he aqui el secreto. Recibir para dar. Orquestacion que presenta lo ya presentado aun mas indiscutible. Una idea de desplazamiento, de nomadismo, de independencia suprema.

Primero Kosice crea un manual de instrucciones Madi para saber como practicar rigurosamente lo esencial en forma liberadora. Lo hace tambien para purificar la practica artistica en un espacio-tiempo unificado. Reglas para un arte kosher que buscan no hacer sufrir, acabar con la melancolia. Accion senti-mental. Arte supra-politico: Arte Porvenirista.

Su invencion es una sintesis vivencial humanizadora. Su risa liberadora nos lleva a lugares no lugares unicos y universales.

Kosice tempranamente cruzo las aguas. Invento y creo. Se convirtio en ‘el del otro lado del rio’. Ya cambiado, afirmo: ‘el hombre no ha de terminar en la tierra’. Ser de aqui y de alla al mismo tiempo. Tierra y ciudad Hidroespacial por venir. El CONTINUO de las aguas y sus orillas.

Cual es la Tierra donde Kosice vive? La de su tiempo. Como guerrero independiente nos muestra como luchar por un ideal personal y universal: conquistar nuestro propio tiempo viajando desde el futuro al presente.

Sacraliza el tiempo. Lo contrario de las ordas Duchampianas que lo hacen con el espacio (museistico). El de el es un arte vivo, saludable, que camina por la calle y no necesita de profesionales de la cura. Solo ganas de seguir haciendolo con sed de infinito. Como dijo Juan Jacobo Bajarlia, ‘el de Kosice es un arte en el que la realidad es inventada por encima de todas las realidades conocidas’.

Me pregunto: se quedara fuera de la tierra prometida despues de todo lo que aporto? Quizas asi se quiera para proteger su verbo hidraulico y no convertirlo en rostro hielo quieto. Igual Kosice siempre vuelve empapado.

Por miles de años diversas corrientes espirituales supieron que la energia abunda y que el problema reside en que somos incapaces de percibirla y beneficiarnos plenamente de ella. La ciencia actual hace varias decadas ya sabe esto. Y por fin nos encaminamos hacia el uso de las energias renovables. Todo va indicando que nuestra nueva relacion con el agua y su preciado Hidrogeno creara las condiciones para un mundo mejor. Kosice poetizo este elemento liberador que nos posibilitara ‘no terminar en la tierra’ en un sentido material y espiritual. Tendremos mas tiempo para ‘sentir la palpitacion del universo’ como el imagino.

En unas pocas decadas la union biologia-maquina cambiara la vida en la tierra y en el cosmos. Venceremos muchos sufrimientos, ampliaremos las limitaciones temporales a todos sus seres vivos. Un mundo insospechado en el que necesitaremos lugares para convertirnos en nuevos y mas felices aconteceres. Kosice imagino estos ‘lugares para  vivir’ donde puede darse lo inimaginable a traves del jubilo personal y colectivo. Pero tambien me pregunto que desgarradores conflictos eticos nos crearemos con esta ya exponencial sed de Golem? Que nuevos Frankesteins estaremos creando sin saberlo?

Kosice nos invita a no perder tiempo en la oscuridad. En cambio quiere que avancemos firmes a velocidad de la luz hacia lo desconocido inventando cada paso con reglas rigurosas iluminadoras. Su obra como una estrella inteligente calienta, expande y disuelve la melancolica redundacia. En sintesis nos señala un tiempo-ahora donde nos convertimos en uno con lo incomparable. Con lo indeterminado.

Donde estas? me pregunta Kosice con su arte.

Donde estamos? Nos debe cuestionar a todos.

Kosice hoy 2010 vigente avisor quiere saber donde estamos con respecto al todo.

Nos confronta cara a cara y nos pregunta: ‘Que’ queres vos y ‘que’ queremos todos como humanidad? Cual es tu / nuestra vision?

Sus pregnantes circulos azules nos miran con objetividad arrolladora.

Que me / le respondo?

Un arte esencial, de pura vibracion energetica donde las partes le son indispensables al todo.  Una absoluta carcajada colectiva de gauchada cosmica!



Por Alejandro Dron      

Julio 2,  2010   

New York, US

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